Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Finally an Android Blog Worth Following

Why I love
It's been a while since I've posted an update. I was fed up with my old smart phone, a Samsung i730. It was a dinosaur of a phone and ran Windows Mobile. It was dandy when the smartphone market took off, but for some time now it's just seemed like a dinosaur to me. I had an iPod Touch, which I used for email, music, and mobile internet. Once my Verizon contract was up, I started looking at their phone offerings. I wasn't happy with the Blackberry's they had and, being the Google fanboy that I am, I was drawn to the G1.
I research every gadget that I buy beforehand and had been tracking the G1's progress since before it's release. I've had it for a couple weeks and I'm loving it. However, my usual tech source,, only provides sporadic and fairly infrequent coverage of the G1 and it's Android operating system. However, I've found a source for my Android fix. A source for all things Android. I finally found a site called It's an awesome source for Android goodness.

Pics and updates to come.

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